River Front Development Pune

Pune, particularly is a flood-prone city. There are a total of 5 rivers in Pune namely Mula, Mutha, Devnadi, Ramnadi and Pavana. The 5 rivers form confluences in different parts in the city and flow away from Pune as one river that is, Mula-Mutha. In short, water flows into Pune from 5 different catchments and there is only one outlet- Mula-Mutha. During the 2019 floods, houses were eroded, many were severely injured and 25 innocent people lost their lives. The population of Pune has also increased in leaps and bounds due to rapid urbanization in the past 3 decades. The city’s sewage disposal efficiency and capacity have not been upgraded to match the demand of the current population of Pune. Most of the water flowing in the rivers is sewage and industrial effluents. What is the RFD aka River Front Development Project? It proposes to build 30-40 ft high concrete ...