Female Unemployment
Introduction In October 2020, 93 in 100 urban women were suffering from a crisis called female unemployment. Female unemployment refers to the current labor gap between unemployed men and women in the workforce. The term has gained new meaning as the preexistent work epidemic has worsened in the last year. As COVID-19 destructs lives and livelihoods, the pandemic and its economic fallout are producing a regressive effect on gender equality. Gender segregation of economic activities, the worsening health crisis, and the fall of international trade have led to the genesis of the most extensive female unemployment crisis since the 1980s. Since the industrial revolution, participation of women in the workforce has increased in industrialized nations, with substantial growth seen in the 20th century. India's biggest challenge on the employment front has been getting its women populace into the labor force. While 67 percent of all men of working age are employed, only 9 percent of all w...